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Logosophy: Transforming the world starting from yourself

How to take charge of my life and transform my world from within

In this lecture series, the speakers shared experiences and strategies for conscious self-improvement that empowers inner transformation.

Turning battles into opportunities

Presented January 28, 2023

Our guest speaker, Lara Aguiar, shares experiences and techniques for conscious self-betterment based on her study of Logosophy, which helped her turn hard times into new opportunities.

How can I consciously improve myself?

Presented February 25, 2023

This open lecture introduced the know-how and experimental method that Logosophy offers to enable anyone to gradually and consciously improve themselves. The speaker, Gustavo Tondello, presents practical recommendations and examples from his own experiences practicing the logosophical method for self-improvement for more than 20 years.

Searching for the true meaning of life

Presented March 18, 2023

Have you ever thought about what is the true meaning of life? And what is the purpose of your life in particular? Why are we here on this planet? What do we have to do? In this lecture, we reflect on how the Logosophical Science offers resources so that each of us can find our own answers to these great questions of humanity.

Turning off autopilot - How to regain control of my life

Presented April 22, 2023

Are we aware of what happens in our minds during the day? Do we do things without understanding why we did them? Is it really possible to control what we think? In this lecture, guest speakers Mariana Pacheco and Simon Sharp talk about how everyday distractions interfere with our process of thinking and share some practical examples of how Logosophy helped them gain more control over the internal movements of their thoughts.

Active observation as a key pillar for a happier life

Presented May 3, 2023

Do you consider yourself an observant person? Or do you see yourself as someone more distracted? What would be the importance of observation for a happier life? In this talk, guest speaker Isabela Ferreira Rousseau will talk about how observation can be used in favor of your own happiness. Don’t miss it!

Past Recorded Events

Logosophy: Transforming life through self-knowledge

Presented October 15, 2022

person reading

Members of the Logosophical Foundation presented a free public lecture, Logosophy: transforming life through self-knowledge, on October 15, 2022, as part of the XIV National Conference of Students of Logosophy in the United States and Canada held in Houston, TX during the same weekend.

In this special series of workshops, parents shared their experiences on how to educate children for life, help them do things with joy, and learn from them to become better parents.

In this special series of lectures, professionals from different areas talked about their experiences on how logosophical knowledge has enabled them to improve their own lives and relationships with respect to the challenges and adaptations of their professional field.