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With the authority granted by the work we have been carrying on as well as by live testimonials of successful experiments, we are able to affirm that the aesthetic pleasure experienced by the individual, as he realizes that he possesses inner resources which exceed all that he may have imagined about a better life, is much more intense than the one derived from the joys of material life, including short-lived personal pleasures and satisfactions.
It is easily understood that these cognitions should primarily be of interest to the young, since they are still undergoing the process of mental, psychological and spiritual formation. However, parents, guardians, and teachers should contribute with their knowledge, pointing out the advantages of conducting this authentic inner investigation meant to further man’s self-improvement and to bring about the revival of his self-confidence.
Logosophy is a creative science and the holder of concrete cognitions for one’s life, all of which lead to individual achievements when consciously applied to one’s own psychology.
In short, we have opened the doors to an unprecedented and fruitful investigation while displaying the results obtained through the study and practice of the cognitions that make up this new and long-awaited science for man’s immediate, positive, integral, and conscious self improvement.
From all that has been expressed, one will surely note the importance of the logosophical conception in furthering the reevaluation of human conditions and in achieving a thorough self-knowledge
“The cognition awakens one’s conscience to the reality which gives it substance. Such cognitions emanate from the conscience, as acquired aptitudes, every time the circumstances require it. The regular exercise of the consciously acquired aptitudes gradually perfects them.
This is how their daily use contributes to imprint with indelible traits, the archetypical emblem of the spiral represented in the new science by the psychodynamic method which Logosophy has established for the live and ultra scientific processes, destined to develop the superior qualities of the human species.”
The powerful truths that Logosophy presents will revolutionize the existing ideas about man’s psychology.
Logosophy, as an integral science avails itself of its own conceptions and clearly explains the cognitions that emanate from them. Man’s intelligence can readily appreciate its value, and every soul can grasp the profound significance of its appearance in these crucial moments for mankind.
The logosophical truth charts a safe course and summons to reality those who have been living on its borderline and have confused true psychological orientation with unrealistic metaphysical ideas.The philosophers and psychologists who are truthful, those who do not gamble with human ignorance, will find in this book the opportunity to examine the contents of this science and to extract from it the conclusions dictated to them in their own good judgment and skill. To scorn them would be to close our eyes to a reality, which is not only visible, but also palpable.
Logosophy marks the beginning of a new culture. The resources of Logosophy are inexhaustible and will be able to enrich the whole world. It is a new mental energy that illuminates man from within, permitting him to become acquainted with himself to the most hidden folds of his psychology.
“Up until now, there has never existed a teaching or a system that could reveal to man the path of self-betterment through the comprehensible and continued action of his conscience. This is the first time, in the history of mankind that the carrying out of the process of conscious evolution is envisaged. This process is the only real and secure way of freeing man from the mental and psychological ostracism in which he has been kept until now, and of elevating him to extraordinary levels of self-betterment.”
This book pursues a high pedagogical and formative objective. It is structured to show with ample evidence, that Logosophy goes straight to the very root of the old problem – unresolved until today – of man’s betterment, solving it once and for all. We do not deny that the deficiencies and propensities treated in this work have been occasionally mentioned elsewhere. In fact, everyone knows that some people are vain, impulsive, selfish, indolent, indiscrete, and so forth. However has anyone undertaken the task of particularizing these deficiencies not only as characterological deficiencies, which affect the individual’s psychical, moral and spiritual life, but also as a part of an integral study which arises from a plan of conscious evolution? Only the science of Logosophy has addressed them, with its own, original conception, enabling the individual to develop his conscience and, progressively, banish such deficiencies which are factors of permanent disturbances in man’s life.
The analytical examination and description of each deficiency and propensity that is made, in order to disclose them to the eyes of the understanding of those who really want to assess their reality, show the unquestionable importance that such knowledge attains for the conscious management of life. So essential is the logosophical cognition that it becomes indispensable for each and every human being to avail himself of its aid when undertaking his process of conscious evolution since the cognition is a fundamental part of the plan which leads first to the exploration and, later to the discovery of everything positive and negative contained in the individual. Thus, he can no longer remain unaware of the resources he can count on, nor fail to know the faults he must correct in order to become consciously triumphant in the experience of his own life.
This is why we have repeatedly pointed out the fundamental difference that exists between the mere enunciation of “know thyself” and the real and effective cognition that teaches the pursuers of such knowledge how to actually achieve this desideratum, systematically in its entirety, in one’s own self. The fact is that twenty-five centuries after its enunciation no one has succeeded in getting even a glimpse of such knowledge, which proves our assertion that only Logosophy has up to now taught man how to achieve self-knowledge.
Today our science comes forth. In its pronouncements each individual will find well founded truths. And in each one of these truths that the Logosophical conception discovers and explains, man will realize, with precise and serene judgement, which have been the causes that delayed his inner evolution and the conscious manifestation of his spirit.
“The deficiencies are, in and by themselves, mental beasts that are not satisfied by only devouring the useful thoughts and projects, which each individual keeps or cultivates in his mental field. Their eagerness to destroy – e.g. pessimism, obstinacy, carelessness, irritability, vehemence, etc. – induces them to attack the noblest feelings, and even attempt against the very life of their owner. It is, therefore, imperative to eliminate these thoughts before they destroy us.”
This book aims at introducing to the reader the most noteworthy cognitions about the temperamental and psychological world in which the human being finds himself as well as at guiding him through the luminous path of conscious creation where he can find happiness. It also has the objective of breaking the repetitive tone of the language that characterizes modern thoughts regarding the realistic crudeness which have caused such a great decrease in the moral level of society.
Mr. de Sandara is a novel of a new genre, psychodynamic, which as it exalts the beauty and the fecundity of the thinking and the feeling in men and women, it discards everything that perverts and distorts them.
It alerts against the excessive vulgarity which the modern novelists use while depicting the most shameful aspects of human passion.
The content of its pages makes Mr. de Sandara an edifying novel that opens a series of new possibilities to the reader. It comforts and instructs spiritually because each instructive teaching, each transcendent cognition for one’s life or an orientation deserving to be considered in conducting one’s attitudes arise from each episode and from each action of its plot.
Everything in this novel obeys a central thought, whose objective is to reveal to the understanding of those that read it carefully ignored mysteries of human nature in its two aspects: the physical and the spiritual. The reader can appreciate the exact difference between two worlds, which arc also two ways of life and two cultures. Its genuine characters allow the reader to grasp clearly the process of reversion that a couple trails until they reach the conscious reunion with their own spirit.
This is a psychodynamic novel which, while it delights its readers, it instructs them about the deepest secrets of human behaviors in their most diverse states of consciousness.
It describes special moments of human life in their exact dimensions and projects a vision of a destiny worthy of an advanced civilization.
Bases for your conduct was published a little over two years after its author’s death on April 4, 1963, in Buenos Aires.
Carlos Bernardo Gonzalez Pecotche left valuable unedited work which, on being published, will continue to bear evidence of a life generously dedicated to the arduous task of diffusing the science of Logosophy—an original conception of man and the universe—and to irrefutably demonstrate the excellence of a teaching system of great significance for the betterment of mankind.
This book is a part of his precious legacy. The author’s generous thought flows throughout its pages and is translated into warm and precise words, this time dedicated to young people, to whom he offers in the form of fatherly advice a vast gamut of knowledge which, far from fruitlessly awakening their natural inclination to idealism, will develop their enthusiasm for self-elevation and favor their adaptation to superior conceptual values, which give shape to ethics and moral behavior.
Bases for your Conduct is an affectionate and yet vigorous message to young people: to those who, when facing the threats that make their future seem dismal, eagerly await the word that will prepare a new way of life capable of directing the fervor of their enthusiasm and of calming the inquietudes that emerge in the innermost parts of their souls.
On reading this work one comes into contact with the truths that exalt man’s quality and activate effort and intelligence, harmonizing them within one’s conscience.
It also promotes the defense of pure thought whose triumph expresses itself in the expansion of one’s mental capacity and in the awakening of the creative powers of one’s intelligence.
Youth will find in this book by Gonzalez Pecotche—an expert molder of human psychology—teachings which act as true keys to unlock the doors to the secret of one’s existence. To adopt them is to multiply one’s life into deeds, affections, words and triumphs in the battle against evil, advancing at the same time in the conquest of good.
Happiness withers like the flowers, but just as the good gardener has at hand new flowers to replace them, he who possesses knowledge can also constantly replace the motives which give happiness permanence in life. Knowledge makes happiness last, makes it stable and allows one to feel in it the expression of eternity.
Specially dedicated to the students of Logosophy, this book shall reach all of those who admire the logosophical cognition and all of the spirits that are attracte by its reading which will serve as an introduction to the essential logosophical congnition.
Included here are seventy-two conferences given at different dates in the Logosophical Foundations in Buenos Aires, Rosario, and Cordoba, in Argentina, and in Montevideo, in Uruguay.
This work constitutes a warm and profund source of stimuli for the individual investigator, as well as a very useful reference book covering the major aspects of the logosophical conception.
The reflective and sincere reader will find in these pages accessible conceptual gems which may be applied to his life with amazing results.
Worthy of note for their beauty are the ethical aspects it presents as unequivocal parts of the process of conscious evolution. Interesting topics such as The mind in its governing function, Mysteries of human creation, Logosophical conception of ‘‘to be or not to be’’, and How Logosophy must be studied are part of this series of conferences which present a clear, broad, and stimulating view of what human beings may obtain when they carry out with firm determination the task of elevating their conditions and aptitudes through a integral process of self-improvement.
To the person who yearns for self-betterment nothing facilitates investigation more than the clarity, preciseness and accuracy of an exposition that guides him firmly and unambiguously towards a free examination first, and later towards the full cognition, of that which has been the object of such a noble aspiration. Bearing in mind the above, the author has considered to be of essential usefulness the publication of this book, which contains a rich and profound description of a ponderable part of the logosophical conception and also of an extensive vision of the logosophical work with its projections for the future of mankind.
The author dedicated his life to the fruitful work that he accomplished in behalf of human betterment. He created a science, Logosophy, and instituted a method which is unique in its kind.
He was born in Buenos Aires on August 11, 1901. His spirit reacted against the routine procedures of the academic disciplines and their techniques for gaining knowledge which were then deemed to be the basis for culture (for they bear no relation to the individual’s inner self), and, after carrying out profound investigations which were guided by an original conception, he discovered a lode of transcendent cognitions. With these cognitions, whose constructive virtue is unquestionable, he tested at the outset of his work a method which was soon to be praised for its efficacy.
In 1930 he founded the “School of Logosophy” in the city of Cordoba, Argentina, where he spent years teaching the cognitions that make up this new type of knowledge. Later on he moved to the city of Rosario. The activities that he developed there during his seven years’ residence contributed to strengthening the bases of his work, by then fully consolidated. In 1937 he settled in Buenos Aires where he continued his work until his death on April 4, 1963.
The logosophical movement, which developed under the guidance of González Pecotche, gained momentum year after year in parallel with the pedagogical work he carried out directly with his disciples. Important cultural centers were soon established for the practice and diffusion of the new science, centers which placed within the individual’s reach an extraordinarily valid and effective method of attaining self-knowledge and of penetrating the secrets of human and universal life.
The Educational Institute, which was founded in 1930 and now functions under the name of “Logosophical Foundation,” has expanded its activities to the most significant cultural areas of the world.
After eight decades of incessant activity, the Logosophical Foundation is today in a position to document its work with the solid results obtained with the teachings of Logosophy.
The conscience must be enriched by the individual with the cognitions that point to self-improvement and enable him to fulfill a high human objective, which is to learn the greatest secrets – sometimes visible and other times invisible – that surround and interpenetrate the individual’s prodigious existence on Earth.