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Logosophy: Transforming the world starting from yourself

Past Recorded Events

Logosophy: Transforming life through self-knowledge

Presented October 15, 2022

person reading

Members of the Logosophical Foundation presented a free public lecture, Logosophy: transforming life through self-knowledge, on October 15, 2022, as part of the XIV National Conference of Students of Logosophy in the United States and Canada held in Houston, TX during the same weekend.

person looking at the sunset

In this lecture series, the speakers shared experiences and strategies for conscious self-improvement that empowers inner transformation.

In this special series of workshops, parents shared their experiences on how to educate children for life, help them do things with joy, and learn from them to become better parents.

In this special series of lectures, professionals from different areas talked about their experiences on how logosophical knowledge has enabled them to improve their own lives and relationships with respect to the challenges and adaptations of their professional field.