Logosophy Newsletter – February 2025


February 2025

Welcome to the first number of our Logosophy Newsletter!

We are glad you have been in touch, and we hope to offer, through this short message, elements for reflection, growth, and improvement.

On each number, we will share some excerpts from the logosophical bibliography and questions for individual reflection. In addition, we will eventually share other information and invitations for talks and other open activities you might be interested in attending or watching.

If you would like to share your thoughts with us, please do so by answering this email. We will be happy to listen and answer promptly.

Finally, we would like to recall that the logosophical bibliography is available free of charge in PDF format on our website.

For reflection

“What importance do you attribute to thoughts in your life? Have you ever thought that human beings can be happy or unhappy depending on their thoughts? And that if they choose the best, they will have happiness and avoid much suffering, whereas if they choose the worst, their life will become bitter. Do you think it is impossible to differentiate the good ones from the bad ones?

In our conception, this is not only possible but one of the greatest prerogatives human beings can have. To accomplish it, one shall start, logically, studying their own thoughts until they know the most common ones, their categories, which actions they incite us to do, what results we obtain from the ones we feed the most, etc.”


Achieving Your New Year’s Resolutions Through Mental Advancement

Struggling to keep your New Year’s resolutions? This article explores how Logosophy can help you achieve lasting change by understanding and managing your thoughts. Discover how to observe, identify, create, and select the thoughts that drive your actions, and learn how this mental advancement can lead to success in everything from fitness goals to financial stability and stronger relationships. Read the article to help you achieve the change you desire.

“Learning Logosophy is to become acquainted with a new technique of facing life with auspicious results. This is, after all, the purpose of the logosophical thought expounded throughout the pages of this book, which the author offers to all who wish to experiment for themselves all that has been stated.”

Excerpt from the book Logosophy Science and Method

Copyright © 2025 – Logosophical Foundation, Inc. – All rights reserved.

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