Open lecture series in Waterloo, ON, Canada

Logosophy: Transforming the world starting from yourself

This open lecture series introduces the know-how and experimental method that Logosophy offers to enable anyone to gradually and consciously improve themselves. The speaker, Gustavo Tondello, presents practical recommendations and examples from his experiences practicing the logosophical method for self-improvement for over 20 years. The talks will explore how each individual can contribute to improving society, starting with oneself and contributing to the evolution of others.

“The task of self-betterment must embrace one's entire existence because it is an eternal and the most precious work that man can ececute. Proportional to the progress he achieves in it, he will reap its benefits and be able to contribute to the progress of human civilization.”

How can I consciously improve myself?

May 15, 2024, at 5:15 pm EDT

Suggested readings*

How Logosophy should be studied
Initiation Course Into Logosophy, page 15

Individual study and practice
Initiation Course Into Logosophy, page 17

The mental and sensitive systems
The base for the individual and collective transformation

June 12, 2024, at 5:15 pm EDT

Suggested reading*

Conscious Attitude in the Activities of One’s Intelligence
— An Introduction to Logosophical Cognition, page 37

Ethical principles in human relationships
Learning with each other

July 17, 2024, at 5:15 pm EDT

Suggested reading*

Principles of Ethics in Human Relations
— An Introduction to Logosophical Cognition, page 189

The process of conscious evolution
The great human opportunity

August 14, 2024, at 5:15 pm EDT

Suggested reading*

The Process of Conscious Evolution
Logosophy – Science and Method, Lesson II, page 33

* The suggested readings are articles or chapters from the Logosophical books that will be mentioned during the lectures. Reading them before attending the lectures is not required but may provide additional preparation for those willing to read them to make the most of the experience.


Researcher at the Logosophical Foundation
Software Engineer
Ph.D. in Computer Science

Free book draw!

Attend any lecture and enter to win a free Logosophy book after the presentation!

The winner will be chosen randomly among the presents at each event. 


Waterloo Public Library

James J. Brown Auditorium