“To make future generations happier than ours will be the greatest prize one can aspire to. There is no value comparable to the accomplishment of this great mission which consists in preparing, for the future of mankind, a better world.”

Carlos Bernardo González Pecotche, the creator of Logosophy

What is Logosophy?

Logosophy is the scientific and methodological specialty that deals with self-knowledge and self-improvement through the process of conscious evolution. It was created by the humanist Carlos Bernardo González Pecotche.


Thoughts – Logosopical Concept

Nelson Belen presents the Logosophical concept of thoughts, which is central to the accomplishment of the process of conscious evolution.


Time – how to deal with it?

Have you ever felt as if time flies away when you are doing something with people you love, whereas it seems to sit still when


Psychological Deficiencies

Nelson Belen and Myriam Gewerc explore the Logosophical concepts of Psychological Deficiencies, Mental System, Sensitive System, and how to use this knowledge to our benefit


Deficiencies and Propensities

Celia Rocha shares her view of Logosophy as both a science and a culture: a science because it enables one to become an investigator of


Exploring Within Oneself

Imagine an adventurer who proposed to travel to a distant country, without any technological resources, alone and without knowing any language other than his own.



Mauricio Levi presents in this video a new way of dealing with a child’s education.


Understanding the causes of life

What’s the reason for it all? Why are we all so different from one another? Why siblings are different even having been born in the


Mental world and evolution

Flávio Guimarães talks about the Mental World and Evolution. On one end, we see the reality we live in, on the other end, we see


Time – how to deal with it?

Have you ever felt as if time flies away when you are doing something with people you love, whereas it seems to sit still when