70th year celebration


Carlos Bernardo González Pecotche

Specially dedicated to the students of Logosophy, this book shall reach all of those who admire the logosophical cognition and all of the spirits that are attracte by its reading which will serve as an introduction to the essential logosophical congnition.
Included here are seventy-two conferences given at different dates in the Logosophical Foundations in Buenos Aires, Rosario, and Cordoba, in Argentina, and in Montevideo, in Uruguay.
This work constitutes a warm and profund source of stimuli for the individual investigator, as well as a very useful reference book covering the major aspects of the logosophical conception.
The reflective and sincere reader will find in these pages accessible conceptual gems which may be applied to his life with amazing results.
Worthy of note for their beauty are the ethical aspects it presents as unequivocal parts of the process of conscious evolution. Interesting topics such as The mind in its governing function, Mysteries of human creation, Logosophical conception of ‘‘to be or not to be’’, and How Logosophy must be studied are part of this series of conferences which present a clear, broad, and stimulating view of what human beings may obtain when they carry out with firm determination the task of elevating their conditions and aptitudes through a integral process of self-improvement.

To the person who yearns for self-betterment nothing facilitates investigation more than the clarity, preciseness and accuracy of an exposition that guides him firmly and unambiguously towards a free examination first, and later towards the full cognition, of that which has been the object of such a noble aspiration. Bearing in mind the above, the author has considered to be of essential usefulness the publication of this book, which contains a rich and profound description of a ponderable part of the logosophical conception and also of an extensive vision of the logosophical work with its projections for the future of mankind.


Renata Antunes Evaristo Braga

Illustrated by Juliana Góes

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